Friday, December 27, 2013

Among other things...

This is other part of the woods, that I'm able to see from my backyard.

It's nice. A little intimidating, but nice. At least to take pictures of it.

I'm reading now the Hunger Games. Just in my way to finish Catching fire, and start Mockingjay.
I think is just matter of tonight, and I'll be there.

Everytime I see it, I can imagine Katniss hunting in the woods, and actually, want to explore my own part of woods. But I remember immediately that I don't have a bow with arrows, and a natural born talent to hunt.

Leave me taking pictures from my backyard.

I'm writting, too, but not another script; though. I'm writting a book.
I finished the script from my course, and I spent a lot time thinking what to write next. I wanted something epic, something unforgetable, undeniable for any producer. And I immediately thought in a historical drama. So I began to develop it in detail, because I want that to be as perfect as it could be, before I actually start to write it.

The ideas have been in my notebook for months. I know. I'm stuck. I'm going to recover that story sooner or later.

The thing is that, as I'm stuck in the script's part, and I wanted to keep writting something, I began to write a book. A kind of story that a script doesn't provide me the freedom to write.
I think it's a kind of fantasy-- no, maybe an epic fantasy, because... Now that I'm thinking right, I think it's a kind of dystopia. But, anyway, it's more complicated than that, because a dystopia requires-- never mind.

The sunset is so precious right now, and I need to finish Catching fire. Hey! Maybe that's why my story has that taste of dystopia... anyway, it's more complicated than that.

See you later,

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Your words are the complements of this post. Thanks for taking the time :)