Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Let's make it better.

Ok, this year... was a lot of crazy stuff!
It was so "divergent" to say something. Yes, I know: readers' joke.
Talking about readers, I fell in love with books this year (december to be honest). I read, this last month, more books that I had read in my whole life!
I purchased a new computer. And that's the biggest gift from all this year!
I became a booktuber! ...I think that's the biggest craziness from all this year. But, I like it, a lot.
I Joined the "Document your life" project, and is so beautiful to catch every single episode of your life. It makes it like a movie.

I left you here the link to my first video. Just click on the image:

I had a job for five months. It was one of those jobs that makes you promise never to have a job again.
Yes, it was... in a call center.
I joined the filmmaking workshops! That was the biggest goal from all this year.
I wrote a script (a lot, in fact), and began to write a book. That I have a lot of hope on it. It promises to be something... you know what I'm saying.
I have the promise now of a new job on 2014, so I'm not going to be an unemployed for long.

I'm gonna enjoy it while it lasts.

This was a year of crazy stuff, in fact.
I hope that you had a great year like... yeah.
Happy new year! And have a wonderful 2014, beautiful people.

See you later,

Friday, December 27, 2013

Among other things...

This is other part of the woods, that I'm able to see from my backyard.

It's nice. A little intimidating, but nice. At least to take pictures of it.

I'm reading now the Hunger Games. Just in my way to finish Catching fire, and start Mockingjay.
I think is just matter of tonight, and I'll be there.

Everytime I see it, I can imagine Katniss hunting in the woods, and actually, want to explore my own part of woods. But I remember immediately that I don't have a bow with arrows, and a natural born talent to hunt.

Leave me taking pictures from my backyard.

I'm writting, too, but not another script; though. I'm writting a book.
I finished the script from my course, and I spent a lot time thinking what to write next. I wanted something epic, something unforgetable, undeniable for any producer. And I immediately thought in a historical drama. So I began to develop it in detail, because I want that to be as perfect as it could be, before I actually start to write it.

The ideas have been in my notebook for months. I know. I'm stuck. I'm going to recover that story sooner or later.

The thing is that, as I'm stuck in the script's part, and I wanted to keep writting something, I began to write a book. A kind of story that a script doesn't provide me the freedom to write.
I think it's a kind of fantasy-- no, maybe an epic fantasy, because... Now that I'm thinking right, I think it's a kind of dystopia. But, anyway, it's more complicated than that, because a dystopia requires-- never mind.

The sunset is so precious right now, and I need to finish Catching fire. Hey! Maybe that's why my story has that taste of dystopia... anyway, it's more complicated than that.

See you later,

Wednesday, December 25, 2013

It was nice while it lasted.

I was hired to record a christmas party the last weekend. My job was to photograph the action through the event. But even that tends to get kind of boring.
Don't get me wrong, that's a great job and I love it. But it's really boring when there's no action to photograph... at all.

- Ok, kids, let's bring some fun to this party! -and I turn my head to the other side, because the kids and I know for sure that's going to take more than that comment to bring some fun to the party.

Then I see this wonderful scene. Two birds dancing between the branches of a tree, whereas the twilight paints the sky, slowly and beautifully. I want so badly to take a picture of it, but my camera is unable to reach that distance -if I didn't tell you, my camera it's not the best one when we're talking about distant scenes-, as if I didn't even know that. I just needed to try. It's too marvelous.

- Let's make groups of five! -The kids run, and I'm back to work.

See you later,

Monday, December 23, 2013

Thinking in yellow

Finally the raining has stopped on my neigborhood. The trees began to bloom, and the beautiful yellow flowers -that I madly love in this season (if I can call it "season" here)- have return.

Just look at them.

I took this picture from my backyard. For some reason my neigborhood was built in middle of the woods, and I have now a great part of wood behind the wall at the end of my backyard.
This picture is just a little bit of what I'm able to see.
This is the part that I like the most.

The yellow flowers abound. I love it. I'm happy, and I feel that this is the perfect time to return writting my blog.

The weather is just ideal. This is my favorite time of the year. The sun is up high, warm but not so warm; and the light is just perfect. Everything seems waiting for the "clic" of my camera.

To bring you up to date with the events that are surrounding me by now: I'm reading. A lot.
I purchased like ten books for this christmas -that I didn't wait to open- and joining them with my old books, I'm in wonder-book-land.
I finished my script, the one for my script writting course, and I keep writing. But I want to leave that part for another post.
By now, I'm happy to come back here... where I can post a yellow flower picture taken from my backyard, and talk about anything in special.

See you later,