Friday, June 14, 2013

Night out

Prompt courtesy of Velvet Verbosity‘s 100 Word Challenge. The challenge, this week, is "Sainted".

A night amid a Bistrot, while a musical group soaked the air of lounge music… a jazz that intoxicates body and soul.
A flute, a couple of conga drums, and a guitar. What else could be asked?
Oh, sainted music that reaches my soul and make background for my dreams, over and over again.
A cup of red wine, surrounded by good company, and heaven touched the earth  as far as I'm concerned.

The greatest nights are unplanned. All is a surprise. Everything is unexpected and new. Nothing is under control. The world is young again.

See you later,

Saturday, June 8, 2013

I feel wiser!

Prompt courtesy of Velvet Verbosity‘s 100 Word Challenge. The challenge, this week, is "Dusky".

I understand that “dusky” refers to something characterized by little or inadequate light; something shadowy.
It is mainly related to hair color and skin.
Well, I feel today a little poetical, and I want to use it to describe this photo.

Some days ago (in a middle of my scriptwriting) another bird was singing, and if you read my “Blackbird...” post, you already know why I said another. It seems that I hear a lot of birds while I’m writing.

The thing is that I took a picture of this bird, and it just seems to me… a little dusky.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

The red wedding...

Ok, let's begin with this.

The red wedding, it's an episode of Game Of Thrones. The last one they premiered.
It was... shocking.

I don't know if you do watch this series, or you read the books, or you just joined the club recently. If you saw the last episode, you were all the last scene with your mouth open... like a hippo!

It was so sad, unexpected, and  painful, that I could only stay silent.

It was so logical that I could not even understand how didn't I expect that!

But at the same time, it was so sublime. It was so perfect. The whole moment was so well developed, so well thought, so perfectly created... that I stood in silence and accepted it all.
I just thought: Genius.

I took this picture above a few months ago. I was in a middle of a photoshoot, and the model created this "balloons fantasy world". I loved it, but the day was like really windy, and it was a really hard photoshoot to make. But it ends pretty well.
In one of those moments, when the balloons decided to take a fly between the light breezes, one of them (the photo's one) ended on the water, but amidst all that creepy situation. And I just thought: one misstep, and you die. And that was all about the red wedding.

Robb Stark was a balloon in a middle of a windy day.

He was so immature, and inexperienced on the war business, that he was easily to take by the breezes of his bad choices.

First: he gave his word -A KING'S WORD- to Walder Frey of marrying one of his daugthers if he gave his army to the King in the north.
Second: he marry Talisa, ignoring his promise.
Third: Catelyn frees Jaime Lannister and causes a disguised civil war inside Robb's army.
Fourth: Robb executes Lord Karstark after he murdered two captive Lannister boys... that nobody cares about them anyway.
Fifth: Robb realizes that he can't win the war without the Frey's men, and decides to offer an apology giving his uncle as redemption for his offense.
Sixth: all the Starks enter the lion's dent, and are killed... in the most cruelly way possible.

What was the mistake? 
Robb Stark failure to his word... a king's word. He was selfish, and that's it.
A whole house paid the failure of a single man. No, I'm wrong. They paid the failure of an immature king. Blinded for a selfish love... deprived of the light of wisdom.

Only one thing can be said with entire truth after the red wedding: 
All things, good or bad... overtakes us.

See you later,