Monday, April 22, 2013

Drawing... is not a good sign

I must begin this post saying that I'm not a great cartoonist. I almost don't draw at all. This is just a hobbie... my favorite hobbie.

The thing is that I only practice it on REALLY BORING TIMES.
If you see me drawing, sure yourself that I'm dying slowly in my chair.

I draw when a class is too frustrating. I draw if I can't hear the teacher's voice. I draw if I already know what the teacher is saying, 'cause he didn't remember that he explained the same thing a million times. I draw when I don't understand a heck about the current class, but at the same time I don't have any interest into do it. I draw when my friends (the closest ones) don't assist college, and I don't know what to do with my free time. I draw when I have to sit at the last chair because I was late. I draw when the current class is too boring for me, or my brain doesn't hits the desire to let that all absurd information get in. I draw when I feel outcast. I draw when I fall in love. I draw when my soul leaves the entire room.
So, taking one of these multiple reasons... I'm screwed. Because from this moment, I already know that the class where I was doing this... will be my dear friend in summer class.

See you later,

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Your words are the complements of this post. Thanks for taking the time :)