"I'm waking up to ash and dust, I wipe my brow and I sweat my rust. I'm breathing in the chemicals..."
But, in the same post, I made a commitment to clean it up. So, I'm glad to show you now the results.
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Clean it was really hard. Only this table, was a dust factory... and I'm allergic to it. So you can figure it out in the state I finished.
But I'm proud of the results. The clothes went to the closet, a ton of paper moved to the garbage, and the things that were to memorial for me found their place in the trunk of memories. And suddenly, I meet all my weird collections again. All the collections that were hidden under that huge mess that was my bedroom.
And I smiled like a child who found his old buzz lightyear deep in the closet.
One of them, is that group of juice bottles. That's my favorite juice. My breakfast juice.
When I met it, I just began to collect all the different bottles that I was buying. Don't ask me why.
There is also my National Geographic magazines, and I include them in my "weird collections" because -and this is a bit embarrasing for me- I only buy them to see the pictures.
Yes, I know. That sounds like a kid's attitude.
But the thing is that I find the National Geographic's photos TOO AMAZING! That magazine has the best photographers of the world! And sometimes, the articles are like pretty long and complicated -boring- for me. So, I just enjoy the pictures.
Another collection that I have, are this boxes here.
These are the boxes that survived the last cleaning.
I have this mania of keeping boxes. They just have to be colorful, with too many letters, or just have any inusual feature for me, and I will keep it.
Finally, a few months ago, I found this particular soda bottle. It was pretty vintage style, and I fell in love with it.
I began to buy them, and collect them as well. But my mom knew that it would become in another weird collection of mine, so she said to me "You will find a use for those bottles, or I will take them to garbage".
And that sentence was her ultimatum.
So, when I found them again, I remembered her warning, and I had this pretty idea.
I turned them into "One cent's saving bottles"!
My goal is get them totally full, and change them to begin the cicle again.
So, the thing is that I'm pretty happy about my room clean. And as the same Imagine Drangons song says:
"Welcome to the new age"
An age that I hope continues clean... and free of dust allergies.
See you later,
You collect some strange stuff - and you know what? I like the pictures in National Geographic WAY more than the articles. I wish I was as good a photographer as those people are.