Thursday, April 4, 2013

A hard patient...

Prompt courtesy of Velvet Verbosity‘s 100 Word Challenge. The challenge, this week, is "Lackluster". 

-Hi Samuel, how’re you doing today?
-Really depressive.
-I just feel… lackluster.
-lackluster? With that do you mean emotionless?
-Don’t you feel any happiness today?
-No… not at all.
-Well, let’s begin a little exercise. You will lie down, and enter in a fantasy with me, in wich you gonna interpret glowing things. Are you ready?
-Perfect. Now, you are a great lighthouse. You’re really bright. Can see it, Samuel, how do you feel now?
-… ok, let’s try another thing. Now you’re the sun! Big, powerful, glowing, warm and timeless. How do you feel?


  1. Poor Samuel! I guess he'll have to try another method to feel better!

  2. Poor guy. Maybe he needs meds. ;-)

  3. I think he's depressed. He needs a girlfriend. :)


Your words are the complements of this post. Thanks for taking the time :)