Friday, June 14, 2013

Night out

Prompt courtesy of Velvet Verbosity‘s 100 Word Challenge. The challenge, this week, is "Sainted".

A night amid a Bistrot, while a musical group soaked the air of lounge music… a jazz that intoxicates body and soul.
A flute, a couple of conga drums, and a guitar. What else could be asked?
Oh, sainted music that reaches my soul and make background for my dreams, over and over again.
A cup of red wine, surrounded by good company, and heaven touched the earth  as far as I'm concerned.

The greatest nights are unplanned. All is a surprise. Everything is unexpected and new. Nothing is under control. The world is young again.

See you later,

1 comment:

  1. Indeed, music is one of the fastest vehicles to zoom back to youth. Sounds like a great night.


Your words are the complements of this post. Thanks for taking the time :)